More information is available at our Baby's Best Chance/Early Years - Campbell River Family Services Society Facebook Page!


Creating Healthy Families Program - access: Open to the community

The Creating Healthy Families Program a group for mothers and children 1 to 5 years old. This group offers a healthy lunch, peer support, one-to-one support, information on healthy growth and development of children by enhancing the family’s skills, capacities and social supports.

Funder: Public Health Agency of Canada

Contact CRFSS at 250-287-2421 for specific information regarding group times and location.

Early Years Family Navigation Program - access: Open to the community

The Early Years Family Navigation Program offers one-to-one support to parents who are interested in gaining advice on parenting issues, help to access services and supports in the community, advocacy, and information. Family Links, a group for all members of the family raising a child under 6 years old, is also offered Wednesdays 10-11:30am. This group offers healthy snacks, activities, peer support and support from the Family Navigator, New Beginnings worker and Indigenous Elder.

Funder: Ministry of Children & Family Development

Family Navigator available Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm or after hours if required. 

Contact CRFSS at 250.287.2421 for specific information regarding this program and upcoming group times and locations.

Family Place Program - access: Open to the community

Family Place provides a variety of community based drop-in parent-child programs that help parents to support their children’s development, promote healthy pregnancy, birth & infancy, and strengthen community supports.

Funder: Ministry of Children & Family Development

Contact CRFSS at 250.287.2421 to find out the day and location of a Family Place Program closest to you.

New Beginnings Program - access: Open to the community

The New Beginnings Program offers one-to-one support that includes assistance working on goals, gaining access to services in the community, support with life skills and advocacy services. A New Beginnings Worker is available during the following groups: Pregnancy Outreach Program, Postnatal Group, Creating Healthy Families Group, Friday Play Group and the Family Links Group; as well as outside group hours if required.

Funder: Ministry of Children & Family Development

Contact CRFSS at 250.287.2421 for specific information regarding this program and upcoming group times and locations. 

Funder: Ministry of Children & Family Development

Triple P Parenting Program

Triple P Parenting is a curriculum based parent education program delivered in group and seminar format aimed at increasing knowledge and skills in the areas of child development, behaviour management, communication, health, child safety, nurturing, etc.

Funder: Vancouver Island Health Authority

Contact CRFSS at 250.287.2421 for more information.

Pregnancy Outreach Program (Baby's Best Chance) - access: Open to the community

One to one support: Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm or after hours if required.

The Pregnancy Outreach Program offers individual and group health counselling and support to vulnerable people who are pregnant, and those who may not typically access traditional prenatal health services. Food supplements, prenatal vitamins, as well as nursing and nutritionist support are available to program participants. Two different groups (Prenatal & Postnatal) for pregnant and new mothers offering a healthy lunch, peer support, information on healthy pregnancies and parenting skills, and one-on-one support.

Funders: Vancouver Island Health Authority, Public Health Agency of Canada

Groups: Prenatal Group (pregnant mothers) & Postnatal Group (mothers and babies birth to 12 months old).

Contact CRFSS at 250.287.2421 for specific information regarding this program and upcoming group times and locations. 

Family Resource Program (Friday Play!) - access: Open to the community

The Family Resource Program is a group for mothers and their children 0-6 years old. Meeting on Fridays at 11:30am-1pm, this group offers a light snack, access to support and educational resources, and an opportunity to network with other parents and interact in new and exciting ways with their children. This interactive parent-child playgroup includes a literacy component and an active living component.

Funder: Ministry of Children & Family Development

Contact CRFSS at 250.287.2421 for specific information regarding this program.